Thursday, November 17, 2011

Number 10

So this took about 7 hours. First off, I looked at tons of bird pictures, like a lot...
I sketched  a new pose of it flying/landing to the ground, but I dislike the back bottom
feathers as well as the feet. I tried for an hour to fix them, but also asked others who
said it looked fine. Personally, I think they might be a little small. Anyway, the rest
of the time I spent on coloring it. That was kinda fun so I took my time. I think I
shaded it alright, but the lighting might not be so good. Overall, I think its better than
my first bird even though it might not be perfect. =D

Friday, November 4, 2011

Number 9

So this took forever. =/ Well, each eye set took about 15-20 minutes, not counting
the occasional looking up at the tv screen. I have to say, drawing eyes on a piece
of paper was way more easy than drawing digitally, I guess that's because I have to get
used to my drawing tablet. Practice makes perfect....

So these took around 20-30 mins. I think what took so long was drawing out the
poses and trying to shade them. I don't think some of them came out so good, but
I will try to improve and hopefully speed up the time I take on them. =D

So the shapes were okay and took about 20mins each section of shapes, but those
cylinders just don't look right to me. I kept trying over and over to see what I could
do different. Perhaps looking at a soda can might have helped. Now I tried using the
layers for shadow and light, which I don't think worked right, but it semi worked. =D